Ratna Indah



Sunnyvale, CA

Ratna Indah

Sunnyvale, CA

Dr. Ratna Indah attended the prestigious Tufts University School of Dental Medicine in Boston, graduating in 2005. She is a third-generation dentist who found her calling working in her mother’s dental clinic. In the two decades she’s been practicing, Dr. Indah has developed a passion for biological and functional dentistry and the relationship that oral health has on the body and vice versa.

In 2024, she opened California Dental Wellness to serve patients looking for holistic solutions to maintain a healthy mouth and body. Dr. Indah sees the patient as the hero in their health journey and herself as one of the guides they partner with. She enjoys collaborating with her patients to unravel these hidden connections and recommend treatment that improves their health, comfort, and quality of life.

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