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“The Ultimate Dental Team” – Leadership Lessons from the ‘Top of the World’

On the 19th April 2018 Dr Neil Counihan, one of the UK’s leading orthodontists stood on the “Top of the World”, the geographic North Pole. He and 10 strangers, made up of leaders in special forces, sport and business, came together in a very short time to ski to the North Pole in extreme conditions of up to -45°C. They had to quickly bond as a team to ensure safety and success. The course will describe in detail how this was achieved, how they joined to support each other in an ultimate team to raise over £1million for charity.

The course will also enable individuals to understand what it takes to build a great team through different techniques and give them the skills to establish a common purpose that a team can unite behind. Whilst some leadership styles favour an aggressive approach to managing team situations, it will be identified how ‘leading from the back’ is not only an effective team building tactic, it also promotes cohesion and bonding. Overall, the type of leader can impact on the ability to ensure a successful team environment. Allowing for personal development and key techniques to improve and individual’s ability to be a great leader.

Learning Objectives

  1. Uniting behind a common purpose
  2. Leading from the back
  3. How to build a team
  4. How to transform from rugged individual to team leader